Client Project: OAT Website Redesign (Back End)

While the BCIT OAT faculty website was being redesigned, a content management system was created, allowing faculty members to update the course schedule and other information on the website “on the fly”.  Focused on the use of PHP, forms, mySQL databases and development of proprietary CMS.

Resonant Frequency Calculator for Parallel Resonant Circuits

Created a single page calculator for calculating resonant frequency of parallel LC (inductance-capacitance) circuits found in many radio/wireless applications.  Applied the basics of PHP while exploring the possibilities of server side scripting.

Amboy, California

A website about Amboy, an empty ghost town along California’s historic Route 66 in the heart of the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County.  The focus was on the re-use certain portions of pages (PHP templates) on each page, using a contact form, and incorporating media from other sites (i.e. YouTube videos and Google Maps) in the creation of a visually appealing website that is both modern and appropriately retro for its theme.